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Category: blog


Unexpected pleasures are always better than expected ones, and occasionally I’ve gone to see movies that I know almost nothing about except for the fact…

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The Ninth of Av

Why does using neuroscience to improve advertising bother me? I’m not sure, but here’s one argument I came up with. According to Corinthians (and many…

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Perfect Present

My father knew a man called Mr Gilmour who was an engineer who finally retired somewhere in the late 1960s. In those days you used…

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A PIece of Chalk

1. This scribble is my signature on the electronic credit card signature-reader at Duane Reade pharmacy. The device has a pathetic little screen, deeply scratched…

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To Be And Not To Be

What is it about the phrase “A Mighty Servant That Never Sleeps” that makes it mildly blasphemous? I think it’s the “mighty” before the “servant”.…

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As I continue to look through applications to graduate programs, I keep running into the general degradation (that’s the right word) of the whole grading…

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When you stay at cheap hotels, you get no cotton robe at all, not even a synthetic one. When you stay at good hotels, they…

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Long and Short

In the past couple of months I visited a bunch of fundamentally driven Long/Short Equity hedge funds. It’s not a very profound observation, but one…

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A few weeks ago I was part of a sort of sociology workshop about economic valuation under uncertainty. There I listened again to Dr Taleb…

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Algorithmic Trading Strategies

It always seemed to me, and recent occurences seem to confirm it, that most algorithmic trading strategies are long volatility but short volatility of volatility.

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Lou Reed and Godel

Doug Hofstadter’s book about Godel’s theorem, “I am a Strange Loop”, points out that mathematicians before after Hilbert and Russell and Whitehead thought that in…

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10cc of H2O

I keep becoming more aware of contradictions and of the inability of reason to cope with them or reconcile them. On my way to the…

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