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The Brain and the Blue Book

The Brain on the Stand By JEFFREY ROSEN

How advances in neuroscience could transform our legal system.

? ? The extent of that revolution is hotly debated, but the influence of what some call neurolaw is clearly growing ? ?

? Even if witnesses don?t have their brains scanned, neuroscience may lead judges and jurors to conclude that certain kinds of memories are more reliable than others because of the area of the brain in which they are processed. Further into the future, and closer to science fiction, lies the possibility of memory downloading.

[From the NY Times Sunday Magazine]

__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

From: The Office of the Provost

To: All Faculty and Students

Re: Midterm and final examinations taken under the neuroexamination option

1. Neuroexaminations will consist of six half-hour questions.

2. Examination downloading will be active only during the final five minutes of each half hour, except for multiple choice question, where downloading will take place at the end of each question’s completion.

3. Examination papers are currently distributed as hard copy. Starting 2008, students will be able to upload examination “papers” during the five minutes before the start of the examination.

5. Despite this being a neuroexamination, all students must sign the hard copy of the neurohonor pledge: “I have neither given nor received unauthorized neuroaid (neurodownloading or neurouploading) during the taking of this exam.” The option to neurosign and subsequent neurodownload the signed neurohonor pledge is currently unavailable.

6. Students who neurodownload explicit comments or expletives (except in creative writing classes) will be excluded from future neuroexaminations. Unavoidable idle fantasies or prolonged periods of voluntary or involuntary celibacy will not be accepted as a valid excuse.

7. Students with medical reasons for being granted extra time on the neuroexamination must submit their supporting documents in writing. We cannot accept neurodownloads concerning medical conditions from people without university neuroscan cards.

8. No calculators, pens, pencils or paper allowed in the neuroeoxamination room. Coffee and AAA batteries can be requested from the front desk.

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