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Category: writing

In the Beginthing

In the beginning, no Inside or Outside. When other things materialize, call them things. Things penetrate your boundary. Every thing is InsideĀ orĀ Outside. You cannot be…

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An eagerness to impart unnecessary information: Column in the FAZ

I find myself increasingly in irritated disagreement with the many neuroscientists and evangelically professional atheists who think that science is everything, that matter is all we have, and that photographic images of chemicals glowing in the brain are equivalent to thoughts and feelings. (I have no problem with their simply disbelieving in God.)

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I dislike Mayor Bloomberg telling me I can’t smoke a cigar in Central Park, nudge stuff, and nanny states. And yet I find myself liking the fact that they are going to outlaw 640z sodas in NYC. I am impaled on the horns of a dilemma.

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The End

When the era of rationality finally dawned, it became clear to everyone that love doesn?t last.

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The best revenge?

As more and more people I know edge into retirement lifestyles, I found myself thinking on vacation about how I’d like to live. I know people who travel nonstop, but that’s not for me.

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Love and money

Schopenhauer, in The World as Will and Representation, has a chapter on The Metaphysics of Sexual Love, and remarks how strange it is that love ceaselessly occupies people’s thoughts, interests and readings, and yet has gone relatively unexamined from a philosophical point of view.

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