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Category: writing

?A bang or two?

This is an extended version of a review I wrote on Amazon for 

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Why I?m right

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The dangerous method

I went to the NY Film Festival for the first time in years last night and saw 

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I Had a Dream

In this 

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The Hunger Artists

I came across 

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Dystopic finance

For a couple of years now I?ve had a bad feeling about the field of finance. Though I often inveighed against the mechanical use of…

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A serious question

Capitalism depends on lending and borrowing, and hence on banks. In that sense banks are a utility, like 

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PPE morphs to PNE

The internecine arguments by economists in the daily papers show that a good part of economics is about what is good; and how to achieve…

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On Language: Quants

The big quant boom began in the mid-?80s, when investment firms started attracting venerable names like Emanuel Derman, a South African-born physicist described by Patterson…

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