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Category: blog

Masculin Feminin

This weekend I flipped through the Personals in the New York Review of Books. They’ve always been good for entertainment, with very literately phrased ads…

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  A question about Southern France: is it my imagination, or does the Coca Cola there taste better than in NYC, and, if it does,…

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When I was looking at a really efficient rider in the Tour de France, not sprinting but simply powering along during the main part of…

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Goal vs. Gaol

I recently had some students cheat in a course I teach. What irritated me was that they seemed to regard cheating as a sort of…

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Jack Black

About a year or two ago I sat on an airplane coming back from London and ended up watching ‘School of Rock,’ without any preconceptions,…

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I was looking at blogs on google and I found one that referrred to an article I once wrote on how to get a job…

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