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The Song of Mandelay

Mother Goddam’s bar in Mandelay
Seven planks over the greenish bay
Goddam, what kind of establishment that was!
Fifteen men waiting for their turn
The last one with his watch he cheers Ho-hey
Come one! There’s many men in Mandalay!


The people there were finest in the land
Jesus, they had more than enough to spend
And everything right then
Would be just fine
If the man inside
Would take a shorter time
Take the Browning, shoot open the door
The guy inside is slowing down the flux.


Hurry Johnny hey
Hurry Johnny hey
Let’s go sing the Song of Mandelay!
Love is timeless, it can’t be beckoned
Johnny, come on, here things last only seconds
The moon will never pause over you, Mandelay Mandelay
The moon will never pause over you.


Mother Goddam’s bar in Mandelay
Now it’s broken up and in decay
Goddam, what kind of establishment that was!
No more men waiting for their turn
No one waiting, no cheering Ho-hey
Not a person left in Mandelay


Then there were still people in the land
Jesus, they had more than enough to spend
Nothing in this world
Is now OK
And bars like this you cannot
Expect to find today
No more Browning and no broken door
There are no people, no lines any more


Hurry Johnny hey
Hurry Johnny hey
Let’s go sing the Song of Mandelay!
Love is timeless, it can’t be beckoned
Johnny, come on, here things last only seconds
The moon will never pause over you, Mandelay Mandela
The moon will never pause over you.

Published in writing