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Short Sighted Science continued ?

Carolyn Porco, the Boulder scientist I mentioned two blogs ago who sees science as everyone’s solace for the universe’s apparently dispassionate behavior towards humans and animals and things, has some more to say at…. Here is one brief sentence that caught my eye:

“Scientists have in fact done tremendous good to ease human pain and suffering and make life on Earth more enjoyable, at least for those with access to its benefits …”

The trouble with scientists in these debates of Religion vs Science is that they unwittingly think of themselves as being members of the class or sect of Scientists.

Of what significance is it that Carolyn Porco is a ‘scientist’? What superior knowledge does she inherit by belonging to the guild of scientists as a result of the past history of that guild? What extra knowledge (about life) does that give her in PARTICULAR?

Do the following: Replace the word ‘Scientists’ by ‘Shoemakers’ in her sentence above:

“Shoemakers have in fact done tremendous good to ease human pain and suffering and make life on Earth more enjoyable, at least for those with access to its benefits …”

Unquestionably. But so what?

Carolyn Porco gets not extra credit for being a scientist, but only for the science that she has done.

Published in blog